LINKS The 1/92nd Field
Artillery |
Agent Orange |
Veterans with questions or concerns about Agent Orange can call (toll-free)
1-800-749-8387 or go to the web site at A series of fact sheets known as 'Agent Orange Briefs' can also be obtained at There are over 20 (updated) 'Briefs' available on a wide range of topics and are provided by the EAS (Environmental Agents Service) in the VA Central Office |
Vietnam Veterans (plus Veterans who served in Korea in 1968 or 1969), and other Veterans who may have been exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides elsewhere during the testing, transporting or spraying of herbicides for military purposes and who are concerned about possible long-term health effects of Agent Orange exposure - can contact the nearest VA Medical Center and request an Agent Orange Registry health examination. More than 300,000 Vietnam Verterans have already participated in this program. | ||
Vietnam Veterans who need medical treatment for conditions that may be related to their exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides used in Vietnam - Contact the nearest VA medical center for eligibility information and possible medical treatment. | Vietnam Veterans with illnesses that they believe were incurred or aggravated by exposure to Agent Orange or other aspects of military service - contact a VA veterans services representative at the nearest VA regional office or health care facility and apply for disability compensation. The counselors have information about the wide range of benefit programs administered by the VA. The national toll-free number is 1-800-827-1000. | ||
Vietnam Veterans
with children who have Spina Bifida - contact the VA. The national
toll-free hotline is 1-888-820-1756, or you may contact the nearest VA regional
office by calling (toll-free) 1-800-827-1000. Additional information on Spina Bifida is available from the Spina Bifida Association of America at (toll-free) 1-800-621-3141, or the web site at |
If you encounter difficulties at a VA medical center - contact the 'patient advocate at that facility for assistance in resolving the problem. Ask the medical center telephone operator for the 'patient advocate or representative'. | ||
Representatives of Veterans Service Organizations include: | - - | The American
Legion - 1-800-433-3318 Paralyzed Veterans of America - 1-800-424-8200 Veterans of Foreign Wars 1-800-VFW-1899 Disabled American Veterans - 1-877-426-2838 Vietnam Veterans of America - 1-800-882-1316 |