The Gun

The 1/92nd Field Artillery
Association - Vietnam

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The Gun . . we pushed it, polished it, pulled it, pointed it, and pumped a lot of rounds out of it . . . it was the purpose for our being, it was why we were there.

It is our aim (pun intended) to tell as completely as possible, the story of the 155mm Howitzer (M114A1), and its use in Vietnam by the 1/92nd Artillery.

We plan to cover the major parts of the gun, the way the fire missions were conducted, the way the data was delivered to the guns, the types of munitions used, how the firebases were picked, and how the guns were transported to the firebases.

We would like to give the reader as complete a picture of an artillery battalion's functioning, in Vietnam, as possible.

  1. The Firebase 2. The Fire Mission 3. The Munitions 4. The Gun Pit

Location selection
Laying the Battery
Suppy and support (road/air)
Moving In/Out (March Orders) (road/air)


Forward Observers (FO)
Forward Observers (AO)
Fire Direction Center (FDC)
Common Mission Types

A Fire Mission by the Numbers
A Real Vietnam Fire Mission

Fuzes and Setters
Powder Charges
Basic Layout (Munitions)
Aiming Stakes and Collimators
Dead Men Types
  5. The Howitzer 6. Resupply 7. Glossary 8. Organization of Artillery in RVN

Fire Control Equipment
The Crew, and the Jobs


Terms, and Tactics Explained I Field Force Artillery
II Field Force Artillery
Artillery Groups

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All rights under copyright are reserved.
A Not for Profit Organization

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